Work with Me
Because you don’t have two years and 300+ pages to waste.
Your fans (and family) rave over your recipes and stories. Any time you show up at a party, people want to know what you brought and what you’re working on next.
Funny that you ask. I’m working on a book now.
Then you’re flooded with questions mainly about how you even write a book, and all you can think is: I don’t freaking know.
You ache when you see any MFK Fisher book, Lisa Donovan’s Our Lady of Perpetual Hunger or Samin Nosrat’s Salt, Fat, Acid, Fat because you’re ready for your work to be a favored staple on bookshelves for years to come too.
You’re not interested in throwing together a story to say you’ve written a book. This story defines the work you’ve done until now. You may not know the next steps or who to go to, but you’ll sure as heck find out.
Because you:
Aren’t one for cookie cutter anything. Life is better lived outside of the box and other people’s expectations.
Manage enough in your life and career. You are happy to free up your own mental space to have someone else manage your book writing.
Will serve your story the best you can, even if it means throwing out a whole heap of pages.
Crave genuine connection with your audience and would rather have a deep conversation over a cup of coffee than surface relationships.
Want to be accountable to someone else, because you’d never show up late to set when people are waiting on you. Digging and making your own deadlines for that saved folder labeled “Book” is a different story.
Believe you have a message worth sharing, but get overwhelmed trying to put the pieces together.
Are a rockstar in your career, but feel like time and second-guessing may be your greatest enemies when it come to writing your dream book.
Want clarity on what’s working and what’s not because you’ve been sitting on this “perfect” idea long enough.
Know how to tell stories, but want to collaborate with someone who’s cool with that pastry flour in your messy bun and your wild new chapter idea.
Have used your creative talents for others, and now, it’s time for the light to shine on you.
You need a book coach. And yes, it’s a real thing.
No one teaches you how to write a book. It can feel too big and daunting to piece it all together. Plus, why should you have to figure it out on your own, when you can start the process with a partner and shave pages and time off of the process?
Julia Child and Edna Lewis had Judith Jones. And you also deserve an all-in developmental editor, project manager and creative supporter who can take some of the weight off of the process.
Even when you have a book deal, your publishing team won’t constantly be around when panic sets in and you don’t know what to write next.
My job isn’t to change the book you sold or tell you what to see. It’s to help you see what you cannot — to coach you through the book writing process, to point out the missing places of your work — where the gold is — and to connect you to your best story.
What does “best” mean? Best is:
When your story aligns with who you are when no one is looking; the creative writer you’ve hidden for years
Knowing your book is only meant to be on certain bookshelves, and you like it that way
Not trying to sound like Ruth Reichl (even though you love her), but owning your rhythm, cadence and point of view even if people don’t like it
Finding the story that grabs readers from the get — like a bottle of Chandon poppin’ open on a 68 degree day in Yountville
You in? Let’s go. Find your dream package below.
Book Proposal Coaching
You’ve nailed your cookbook or non-fiction book idea (or have a good feeling about what it should be) — praise! Now, it’s time to sell that book, darling. You’ve bought the books, borrowed examples from friends and even taken self-guided courses, but you’re still lost on how to do it yourself.
People are asking for your proposal now, but you can’t figure out how to get started. You’re staring at your notes, vision boards and recipes to only make you more confused and overwhelmed.
You need someone to walk you through each step, so you can get to the finish line with a proposal that POPS.
Oh, snap. Let’s go.
SWEET. Apply to work with me below, along with up to 10 pages of your proposal or notes, so I know what we’re working with and where we need to go.
From there, you’ll schedule your 30 minute call with me.
On our call, we’ll walk through my notes and your questions with the intention of giving you the clarity and confidence to make the best next step for your proposal.
If we decide it’s a good fit for both of us, I’ll send you a proposal including each deadline for the term of our contract.
And if we’re not? I’ll suggest someone who may be a better fit for your needs.
Book proposals are intense, and most would argue, harder than writing the book itself. This is a business plan including audience analysis, promotion plans, an annotated table of contents and a sample chapter with 6-10 recipes (if you’re doing a cookbook).
There is no set timeline for a proposal, so we’ll work on a monthly basis. You can work as quickly as you’d like or take some time off when you need it.
All in all, this package will give you:
2 bi-weekly deadlines of up to 25 pages, so you’re diving deeply into the marketing and business aspects of how you’ll sell your book and why you’re the best person to write it
2 bi-weekly 30 minute coaching sessions, so you have clarity moving forward with each deadline and anticipate what’s coming next
Option to add 30 minute coaching calls as needed when you’re really on fire
A 1 hour coaching call to dig into specific focuses like agent research, marketing, publicity or to walk through your final draft
Access to a specially curated database of 100+ agents, food stylists, photographers and more, so you can create the best proposal possible without spending hours tracking down info yourself
A plan that’ll capitalize on your strengths and unique point of view to create raving fans
An essentialist’s approach with a focus on long-term sustainable growth as an author, so you’re not in a million places for no reason
Feedback letter for each deadline, so you have clarity of what’s working and where you should go next with your proposal
Honest and thoughtful feedback with the intention of selling your idea and growing your reach, so you find the people who are looking for you
Email support for those moments when you don’t know what you’re doing or that idea finally clicks
Client Portal, so you never have to search through your emails for your last assignment or my edits
It’s time to make this idea a reality. So whether you decide to self-publish or ship it to an agent or editor, you’ll know that the book proposal you have is for a book people can’t wait to read.
Monthly coaching starts at $749 (Payments plan and accelerated coaching options available)
Book Coaching
Whether you’re at the beginning of the process or half-way through and not sure where to go, I’ve got you.
We’ll work shoulder to shoulder with what you have and craft pages that’ll have your readers begging for more.
I don’t want to just help you finish a book. I want to help you write the book you can’t stop thinking about.
Love it. How does this work?
You’ll apply to work with me below with up to 10 pages of your current project. Don’t have a story you’ve started? Send me notes or general ideas, and we’ll work from there.
Then, you’ll book a 30-minute call with me to chat about your goals and to see if we’re a good fit. I’ll follow up with a proposed plan after our call.
And if we’re not? I’ll suggest someone who might serve your story better. Because you should only work with a coach who is the best fit possible.
We’ll work together monthly, so you have ultimate control over the process. Life is unpredictable, so when you need a break, take it. I’ll be ready for you when I open the next round of coaching.
Monthly coaching packages include:
2 submission deadlines of up to 25 pages bi-weekly
2 bi-weekly 30 minute calls to dig into road blocks, the current deadline’s edits, next writing steps and brainstorming story ideas
A 1 hour call when you need extra time to walk through edits and story ideas
A process with marketing in mind. You want to write a book people will want to read, so let’s imagine how your work will stand out on book shelves along the way
Edit letter and in-line notes (when needed) for each deadline, so you have clarity of what’s working and where you should go next with your story
Honest and thoughtful feedback with only the intention of honoring the story you want to tell
A partner who will manage and put together lost pieces of your project, so you can focus on creating
Email support for those “AHA!” and “What am I doing?” moments
Client Portal, so you never have to search through your emails for your last assignment or my edits
Monthly coaching starts at $549 (Payments plans and accelerated coaching options available)