How to Have Your Best Book Writing Year Ever by Dreaming Smaller
Photo by Elevae Visuals
There’s something lovely about a new year. It’s filled with the hope of what this next 365 days can bring, and the release of what wasn’t working last year. You tell yourself that things will be different now. There’s no way you’re letting another year slip by without finishing your book proposal, querying agents, getting a cookbook deal, finishing your food memoir manuscript, building your author platform, getting more media clips, and on and on and on.
You’ve heard of other writer’s success stories—writing in the middle of the night, or in-between their two jobs—and you know you just have to buckle down and get the thing done. But you lose momentum playing by someone else’s rulebook, and before you know it, months have passed without even looking at your book project. And then, you’re ringing in a new year again and hoping that next year when the confetti falls, your dreams will magically come true.
This year though, can be different. The problem isn’t that you’re not dedicated enough. You’re just moving too quickly with larger goals when you haven’t figured out how to master smaller ones.
Certified personal trainers will often tell you to be consistent with quality sleep and nutrition, drinking enough water, and being consistent in daily movement before jumping to complicated workout splits. It’s the same with your writing practice. If you’re too busy to write 250 words a day, what makes you think you’re ready to write, pitch, and sell an entire book?
So, let’s slow down and find a new rhythm for exactly where you are. Instead of going wide, you’re going narrow and deep. These next 12 months aren’t like the last, and that’ll propel to places you’ve never been before. Get ready, friend. Here’s how to have your best book writing ever by dreaming smaller.
Choose one dream for this year
People are afraid of choosing just one thing. You’re bombarded with so many choices that focusing on one feels impossible; it feels like you’re missing out on an entire universe of possibilities. So, you want to do it all—holidays, weekend trips, dinner parties, family obligations, extra work, volunteer and committee commitments plus dedicating hours to your book project. Other people seem to make it work, so why can’t you? Deep down though, you know there’s only so much you can give.
If you’ve been working on a book proposal for a few years, make finishing it your one dream this year. Have a book coming out in the fall? Everything should be focused on launching that beauty into the world. Don’t worry about all the steps after that. To be honest, it’s the obsession over the entire process that paralyzes people. Make the main thing, the main thing, and trust when you get to the next step, you’ll know where to turn for the answers.
Break your dream into quarters
In business, years are broken up into quarters. Q1 is January through March. Q2 is April through June. Q3 is July through September, and Q4 is October through December. It’s also a beautiful way to break up your dream year, so you can create new energy every three months.
For example, if you’re writing your cookbook manuscript this year, maybe your quarters look like:
Q1: Recipe development and testing
Q2: Recipe writing
Q3: Essays and chapter introductions
Q4: Final edits and revisions
Or if you’re working on a book proposal, your quarters could include:
Q1: Competitive Titles, Target Market, and pitching media to grow my platform
Q2: Promotional Plan, Author Bio, Chapter Summaries
Q3: Sample Chapter, Vision, Overview
Q4: Final edits and identifying potential agents to pitch to
Yes, you could accomplish some of these goals more quickly, so it doesn’t take an entire year. However, as literary agent Sally Ekus loves to say: Right, Not Rushed. You may feel this overwhelming desire to just finish the freaking thing and be done with it. Just throwing something out there though, defeats the purpose of everything you’re working towards.
If this book is your dream, don’t you think it deserves dedicated attention before shipping it into the world? Slowing down and choosing a couple of things to focus on every few months will give you space for deeper creativity and eliminate decision fatigue over what to do next.
Choose your choice
Even if your book has been on your vision board for years, it’s easy to let other people’s priorities clutter your own dream. You’ll hear (and see) how other people do more or less than you, and make all kinds of things work. Just because someone else seems like they’re juggling a chaotic life well, it doesn’t mean they are.
You’re responsible for your life, and the choices with it. Even if you have multiple jobs, children, or are caring for a sick parent, it was a decision you made. So own it.
The hardest thing about choosing your choice aka your dream is you’re afraid of what saying no will mean. Will you miss out on time with friends? Yes. Social commitments? Probably. Work opportunities? 100%. But you’re always giving up something at any given time.
Part of the choice is being able to verbalize it. Here’s a few sample messages you can use and tweak as you get more comfortable choosing your choice.
For the friend who wants to catch up:
Hi [Name],
Thank you so much for inviting me—I really miss spending time with you! Right now, though, I’m completely underwater with everything on my plate, especially with writing my book. I hate having to say no, but I just don’t have the bandwidth to be present and enjoy myself like I’d want to.
Once I’m on the other side of this busy season, I’d love to catch up and celebrate together!
Thanks for understanding—I appreciate it more than you know!
[Your Name]
For the family member who wants to plan a group vacation/ event:
Hi [Name],
Thank you for thinking of me and suggesting [the trip or event]! It sounds like such an amazing experience, and I’d love to do something like that with you. Right now, though, I’m deep into writing my book, and I’ve realized that big commitments like this would really disrupt the flow I’ve worked hard to create.
What if we planned something a little simpler for now—maybe [alternative idea, e.g., “a weekend visit,” “a day trip,” or “a family dinner”]? That way, we can still spend quality time together without throwing off this delicate balance I’m trying to keep.
I truly appreciate your understanding as I navigate this busy season. Once my book is finished, I’d love to revisit the idea of a bigger trip or plan something special to celebrate!
[Your Name]
For other parents who want to set up playdates or extra-curricular activities:
Hi [Name],
Thank you so much for reaching out and including [Child’s Name] in [specific activity or event]! Right now, I’m working hard to simplify our schedules while I focus on writing my book. It’s been a challenging but exciting process, and keeping things simple has been essential for me to balance everything.
This means we’ve had to say no to many social commitments, even ones we’d love to be part of. When life feels less overwhelming, we’ll look forward to reconnecting and participating more.
Thanks for understanding—it means a lot during this busy season!
[Your Name]
For the new business opportunity:
Hi [Recipient's Name],
Thank you so much for reaching out and for thinking of me for [briefly mention the project if known, e.g., "your exciting new project"]. I’m truly honored that you considered me for this opportunity.
At the moment, I’m deep in the writing process for my book, and it’s taking up the majority of my creative and professional bandwidth. As much as I’d love to collaborate or take on new projects, I have to focus all my energy on this commitment right now.
I hope you’ll keep me in mind for future opportunities once my schedule opens up. Until then, I’m cheering you on with [their project/goals]!
Thanks again for your understanding, and I hope we can connect again down the road.
[Your Name]
It can be uncomfortable setting boundaries and saying what you need, but your no’s aren’t forever. This is just a season. By saying no to a lot of things that aren’t serving you, you’re opening more doors for even more yeses.How to stay on track with your best book writing year ever.
How to stay on track with your best book writing year ever
Now that you’ve chosen your one dream, broken it into quarters, and have made your choice the choice, how do you stick with it? Not alone. Most writers quit because they don’t have the emotional support or guidance to get them from start to finish.
And that’s exactly why I created The Social Club, a community of food writers connecting and supporting one another through the book creation process. The Social Club brings together food writers in the book creation process, so that you can finish AND pitch book proposals to agents, find ease in the writing process after the book deal, and launch a book with confidence to an audience of raving fans.
Ready to join a thriving community of food writers just like you? Click here to add your name to the waitlist and be the first to know when the doors open up again. Your best book-writing year ever starts now.